Check out our kits for the new bralette pattern from Cashmerette, the Loftus!

Dye it Yourself Kit
Dye it Yourself Kit

Dye it Yourself Kit

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Are you interested in dyeing your own fabrics and elastics? This kit provides almost everything you need to start your own dye studio. You might have some of this around the house, or you can go onto Amazon and buy the items individually, but we've gathered all the things that we actually use and have made them available to you as a kit. We prefer to keep our dye tools separate from our kitchen tools to avoid any cross-contamination. The "Compare" price is the actual cost that you would pay to get these things on Amazon, although I will say that some are a bit tricky to find.

Here are the items in the kit, and what you need to think about as you make your choices:

Each Dye-It-Yourself kit contains:

  • A set of measuring spoons  
    • We prefer the metal ones as they are easier to wash off
  • A pair of tongs 
    • We use long ones, 14", with a latching mechanism
  • A pair of cotton lined heat resistant gloves
    • Ordinary household gloves aren't heat resistant enough. You can also choose heavy duty industrial gloves. We have sizes S, M, L and XL.
  • A mesh laundry bag 
    • This should have LARGE, OPEN HOLES. Most have a pretty solid mesh and won't dry well.
  • A 50 ML beaker 
    • You'll measure from 10ml to 50ml for most dye jobs
  • A thermometer  
    • It should be submersible, not get lost in the pot and read up to 200 degrees or so
  • A small packet of powdered dye
    • You can purchase powdered dye if you like
  • A variety of fabric and elastic pieces so you can learn how to dye everything!
    • We'll be dyeing fabric, bra elastic, panty elastic, and lace. Make sure it's nylon, not polyester.
  • A face mask for powdered dye

    In addition to what we've included in the Dye Kit, you'll want to have some things that we felt were better purchased near your home. Some of these are bulky or liquid. Please note, THESE ITEMS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE DYE KIT.

    • A large pot, about 12-14 quarts 
    • Some liquid dye. Rit Dye from your local craft store is great. Choose a color you like.
    • Some white vinegar from the grocery store
    • A waterproof apron or smock
    • Some old towels

    For those looking for some ideas, you can click on these links to purchase the pot and the apron.

    Waterproof Apron -

    Stainless steel pot -

     Please note that liquid dye is not included in your kit. Just pick that up before the conference. You can find it in stores or online.