A note on colors: It used to be that we had thread in every color. Matching any new color that I came up with was easy-peasy! I loved being able to offer a perfect color every time. Things are a little different in the thread world right now, Supply is not keeping up with demand and color selection is more limited. We are working on changing our thread color names to descriptions rather than a single name to help you choose a color from our more limited selection. We have also added a "Best Match" option with a text box for you to let us know which color you are wanting to match. If we really can't find anything that we think would work, we will issue you a refund.
I did some testing on how to best sew these sometimes tricky bra-making fabrics. I discovered that the best needle was a Microtex 80/12 with a runner up of Microtex 90/14.
I discovered that the very best thread for easy sewing is the Superior Threads So Fine Thread, with the Mettler Metrosene a close second. The Gutermann thread also worked, but the rough surface texture caused the fabric to pull up with every stitch.
The Superior Threads So Fine comes on a 550 yard spool and has the smoothest surface finish. It's a lovely thread, and I've color matched all of our standard colors. The Mettler Metrosene comes on a 165 yard spool and also has a lovely surface finish but is not quite as smooth as the So Fine. I've also color matched this thread to all of our standard colors. I made a bra earlier in the year that incorporated a vining triple stitch for topstitching (it was so pretty!) and it took the better part of a spool of 165 yards to complete.